Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year — One Moment at a Time

If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves. — Maria Edgeworth

Another year begins: a new beginning; a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Armed with lofty goals and good intentions, we vow to make changes in our lives and set out to compose a list of New Year's Resolutions — the magical list that makes dreams come true.

Making changes in our lives requires changing our behavior, and that is no easy task. But somehow we believe that the magical New Year's Resolution will make controlling our behavior easier to accomplish. The pounds will melt off. A new job will appear. A host of bad habits will be replaced by healthier new ones. When these things don't happen, we are left with a sense of failure and inadequacy, and we abandon hope of ever achieving our goals — until next year, when the cycle repeats itself.

It is time to give up the New Year's fantasy and take control of our lives — one moment at a time.

Life is not measured in years. Life is a series of moments happening one after another. It is in these precious moments that magic occurs; and you are the magician. Although you may not realize it, you are making choices each moment. And the choice that you make during that tiny particle of time can have a profound effect on your life. In a single moment, you can choose to take a bold step into an uncertain future, or you can choose to let a wonderful opportunity slip by. It takes only a moment to choose to have a second helping at dinner; to step onto an elevator instead of taking the stairs; to flip on the television set instead of beginning the article you've been wanting to write; to pick up the telephone to chat with a friend rather than write a check for the bill that is past due. It is your choice.

When you understand that you are constantly making choices, you will begin to see that you have more control over your life than you imagined. You will no longer be content to be a victim, sitting on the sidelines as life passes you by. You will be more likely to take risks; to reach out and grab for that brass ring. Each small success that you achieve will lead to increased self-esteem and a desire to reach out even farther. Before long, you can look back and see the progress that you've made.

There is pure potential in each particle of time. Each moment is a new opportunity to make a choice that can lead you toward the fulfillment of your goals. Let this knowledge be your guide as you boldly go forth into the New Year — one moment at a time.